“Working to streamline state government through inter-agency communication and cooperation to better serve the public”
RIB is an informal committee representing numerous state agencies who work together to improve services for Idaho small business owners. RIB develops projects in the areas of government regulations, small business advocacy, and business development to streamline small business interactions with state agencies. The following projects are among those accomplished by RIB:
Idaho Biz Help website: Currently called business.idaho.gov and formerly known as Idaho Small Business Solutions, this nationally recognized site is an on-line, intelligent portal to local, state, and federal regulations, licenses and taxes affecting Idaho businesses. It also provides connections to chambers of commerce, business and economic development, financing resources throughout the state, and more. In mid-2019 the site merged with business.idaho.gov.
One-stop Service: RIB member agencies share their application forms and brochures with each other, enabling “one-stop” service for new business applicants when applying for state and Federal permits.
Combined Business Registration: Three state agencies worked together to develop a simplified registration process for new employers and retailers. The State Tax Commission, Idaho Department of Labor, and the Idaho Industrial Commission developed one online registration process (IBRS) containing the information needed by all three agencies.
Small Business Information Forums: RIB’s education subcommittee originated and hosted Small Business Information Forums held throughout Idaho several times each year. The forums offered new businesses a “one-stop” opportunity to consult with representatives of local, state, and Federal government agencies and service organizations.
Government Phone Book Listings: RIB worked with Qwest, a former regional telephone company, to create the government blue page listings found in Idaho telephone books. Other phone book publishers adopted the blue page government listings format.
The RIB committee reconvenes from time to time to work on special projects, such as the update of this site.