Idaho Official Government Website

City Clerks Offices in Idaho

Only incorporated cities and towns have a City Clerk. If your city is not listed, contact your County Clerk or Recorder’s office. Many smaller communities receive mail only at a PO box; therefore, a street address may not be available. Call the phone number listed to obtain the street address.

CityAddressPhone No.Website
Aberdeen33 N. Main
(208) 397-4161
Acequia20602 F Street(208) 436-4344
Albion225 S. Main Street
P.O. Box 147
(208) 647-4644
American Falls550 N. Oregon Trail(208) 226-2569
Ammon2135 S. Ammon Rd.(208) 612-4000
ArcoP.O. Box 196
302 W. Grand Ave.
(208) 527-8294
Arimo115 Henderson Rd.
P.O. Box 61
(208) 254-3507
Ashton714 Main St.
P.O. Box 689
(208) 652-3987
AtholP.O. Box 249
30355 N. 3rd St.
(208) 683-2101
Atomic CityContact the Bingham County Clerk(208) 782-3160
AveryContact the Shoshone County Clerk
BancroftP.O. Box 39
95 S. Main St.
(208) 648-7648
BasaltP.O. Box 178
824 N. 675 East
(208) 346-6411
BayviewContact the Kootenai County Clerk
BellevueP.O. Box 825
115 E. Pine St.
(208) 788-2128
Blackfoot157 N. Broadway(208) 785-8600
BlissP.O. Box 102(208) 352-1117
BloomingtonP.O. Box 194
45 N. 1st West
(208) 945-3169
Boise150 N. Capitol Blvd
P.O. Box 500
(208) 972-8150
Bonners FerryP.O. Box 149
7232 Main Street
(208) 267-3105
BovillP.O. Box 569
100 Railroad Ave
(208) 826-3603
BruneauContact the Owyhee County Clerk
Buhl203 Broadway Ave. N., Ste. B(208) 543-5650
Burley1401 Overland Avenue
P.O. Box 1090
(208) 878-2224
Butte CityP.O. Box 189, Arco(208) 527-2013
Caldwell205 S 6th Avenue
P.O. Box 1179
(208) 455-4502
Cambridge80 S. Superior
P.O. Box 220
(208) 257-3318
CardiffContact the Clearwater County Clerk
CareyP.O. Box 9
20482 Main St
(208) 823-1212
CareywoodContact the Bonner County Clerk
CarmenContact the Lemhi County Clerk
CascadeP.O. Box 649
105 S. Main St
(208) 382-4279
CastlefordP.O. Box 626
300 Main St.
(208) 537-6544
CataldoContact the Kootenai County Clerk
Centervillesee Placerville or Idaho City
Challis414 E. Main Avenue
P.O. Box 587
(208) 879-2386
ChesterfieldContact the Caribou County Clerk
Chubbuck290 E. Linden
P.O. Box 5604
(208) 417-7176
Clark ForkP.O. Box 10
110 E. 3rd St.
(208) 266-1315
ClaytonContact the Custer County Clerk
Clifton175 W. Center
P.O. Box 37
(208) 339-8500
CocolallaContact the Bonner County Clerk
Coeur d’Alene710 Mullan Avenue(208)769-2231
CottonwoodP.O. Box 571
506 King St.
(208) 962-3231
Council501 Galena Avenue
P.O. Box 606
(208) 253-4201
CraigmontP.O. Box 250
109 E. Main St
(208) 924-5432
Crouch342 Village Circle, Garden Valley(208) 462-4687
Culdesac100 6th Street(208) 843-5483
Dalton Gardens6360 N. 4th St.(208) 772-3698
DarlingtonContact the Butte County Clerk
DaytonP.O. Box 12
999 N. Westside Hwy.
(208) 747-3589
DearyP.O. Box 236
401 Line St.
(208) 877-1582
DecloP.O. Box 159
8 N. Clark St.
(208) 654-2124
Dietrich35 W First St.(208) 544-2102
DixieContact Idaho County Clerk
DonnellyP.O. Box 725
169 Halferty Street
(208) 325-8859
DoverP.O. Box 115
699 Lake Shore Ave.
(208) 265-8339
DowneyP.O. Box 204
15 S. Main Street
(208) 897-5342
Driggs60 S. Main St.
P.O. Box 48
(208) 354-2362
DrummondP.O. Box 463, Ashton 83420(208) 569-1732
DuboisP.O. Box 27
332 W. Main Street
(208) 374-5241
Eagle660 E. Civic Lane
P.O. Box 1520
(208) 939-6813
East HopeP.O. Box 186
110 School Road
(208) 264-5877
EddyvilleContact the Kootenai County Clerk
Eden235 W. Wilson Ave.
P.O. Box 376
(208) 825-5776
Elk CityContact the Idaho County Clerk
Elk RiverP.O. Box H
112 S. Second St.
(208) 826-3209
Emmett501 E. Main Street(208) 365-6050
FairfieldP. O. Box 336
407 Soldier Road
(208) 764-2333
FeathervilleContact the Elmore County Clerk
Fernan Lake VillageP.O. Box 1775
Coeur d’Alene 83816
(208) 818-9053
Filer300 Main St.
P.O. Box 140
(208) 326-5000
FirthP.O. Box 37
106 E. Center
(208) 346-6574
Fort HallP.O. Box 306
Pima Drive
(208) 478-3700
Franklin128 E. Main St.
P.O. Box 69
(208) 646-2300
Fruitland200 S. Whitley Dr.
P.O. Box 324
(208) 452-4421
Garden City6015 N. Glenwood St.(208) 472-2907
Garden ValleyContact the Crouch City Clerk
GenesseP.O. Box 38
140 E. Walnut St.
(208) 285-1621
GeorgetownP.O. Box 99
382 Main St.
(208) 847-2120
GlengaryContact the Bonner County Clerk
Glenns Ferry110 E. 2nd Ave.
P.O. Box 910
(208) 366-7418
Gooding308 5th Avenue W.(208) 934-5669
Grace108 E. Center
P.O. Box 214
(208) 425-3533
GrandviewP.O. Box 69
425 Boise Ave.
(208) 834-2700
Grangeville225 West North Street(208) 983-2851
GrasmereContact the Owyhee County Clerk
Greenleaf20523 N. Whittier Drive(208) 454-0552
HagermanP.O. Box 158
191 N. State St.
(208) 837-6636
Hailey115 Main St. South, Suite H(208) 788-4221
HamerContact Jefferson County Clerk
HammettContact the Elmore County Clerk
HansenP.O. Box 170
388 Main St. S.
(208) 423-5158
HarrisonP.O. Box 73
100 N. Fredrick Ave.
(208) 689-3212
Hauser11837 N. Hauser Lake Road208-777-9315
Hayden8930 N. Government Way(208)
Hayden Lake9393 N. Strahorn Rd.(208)
HazeltonP.O. Box 145
246 Main St.
(208) 829-5415
HeyburnP.O. Box 147
941 18th Street
(208) 679-8158
Hollister2392 Main St.(208) 655-4225
HomedaleP.O. Box 757
31 W. Wyoming Ave.
(208) 337-4641
HopeP.O. Box 277
146 W. Main St.
(208) 264-5314
Horseshoe BendP.O. Box 246
112 Ada St.
(208) 793-2219
Huetter4578 W. Reeves St.(208) 667-8693
Idaho CityP.O. Box 130
511 Main St.
(208) 392-4584
Idaho Falls308 Constitution Way
P.O. Box 50220
(208) 612-8269
InkomP.O. Box 60
365 N. Rapid Creek Rd.
(208) 775-3372
IonaP.O. Box 487
3548 N. Main St.
(208) 523-5600
IrwinP.O. Box 148
261 Bills Road
(208) 483-4000
Island Park3753 N. Highway 20
P.O. Box 254
(208) 558-7687
JacksonContact the Cassia County Clerk
Jerome152 East Ave. A(208) 324-8189
JuliaettaP.O. Box 229
208 Main St.
(208) 276-7791
KamiahP.O. Box 338
507 Main St.
(208) 935-2672
Kellogg1007 McKinley Avenue(208) 786-9131
KendrickP.O. Box 195
808 Railroad Street
(208) 289-5157
Ketchum 191 5th Street West
P.O. Box 2315
(208) 726-3841
Kimberly242 Highway 30 E.
P.O. Box Z
208) 423-4151 ext. 11
King HillContact the Elmore County Clerk
KooskiaP.O. Box 126
26 S. Main St.
(208) 926-4684
KootenaiP.O. Box 566
204 Spokane St.
(208) 265-2431
Kuna751 W. 4th Street
P.O. Box 13
(208) 922-5546
LapwaiP.O. Box 336
315 S. Main St.
(208) 843-2212
Lava Hot Springs115 W. Elm
P.O. Box 187
(208) 776-5820
LeadoreP.O. Box 157
202 S. Railroad St.
(208) 557-1242https://
LelandContact the Nez Perce county clerk
LenoreContact the Nez Perce county clerk
Lewiston1134 F St.
P.O. Box 617
(208) 746-3671
LewisvilleP.O. Box 160(208) 754-8608
MackayP.O. Box 509
203 S. Main St.
(208) 588-2274
Malad59 Bannock St.(208) 766-4160
Malta1486 S. 2200 E.
P.O. Box 82
(208) 645-2453
Marsing18 Sandbar Avenue
P.O. Box 125
(208) 896-4122
McCall216 E. Park St.(208) 634-7142
McCammon802 Front St.
P.O. Box 9
(208) 254-3200
MedimontContact the Kootenai County Clerk
MelbaP.O. Box 209
401 Carrie Rex Avenue
(208) 495-2722
MenanP.O. Box 127
664 N. 3530 East
(208) 754-8876
Meridian33 E. Broadway Ave., Ste. 104(208 888-4433
MiddletonP.O. Box 487
1103 W. Main
(208) 585-3133https:/
MidvaleP.O. Box 115(208) 355-2221
MinidokaP.O. Box 85(208) 532-4575
Montpelier830 Washington(208) 847-0824https:/
MooreP.O. Box 925(208) 554-2431
Moscow206 E. Third
P.O. Box 9203
(208) 883-7000
Mountain Home160 S. 3rd East
P.O. Box 10
Moyie Springs3331 E. Roosevelt
P.O. Box 573
Mud LakeP.O. Box 56
Terreton, ID 83450
(208) 663-4567
MullanP.O. Box 475
112 Terrill Loop
(208) 744-1515
MurphyContact Owyhee County Clerk
MurrayContact Shoshone County Clerk
MurtaughP.O. Box 157
106 4th St.
Nampa411 3rd St. S.(208) 468-5415
NaplesContact Boundary County Clerk
New Meadows401 Virginia St.
P.O. Box 324
New Plymouth215 N. Plymouth Ave.
P.O. Box 158
(208) 278-5338
NewdaleP.O. Box 70
325 City Street
(208) 458-4068
Nez Perce606 Maple Street
P.O. Box 367
(208) 937-1021
NotusP.O. Box 257
375 Notus Road
(208) 459-6212
Oakley105 N. Center Street
P.O. Box 266
(208) 862-3313
Oldtown215 N. Washington Ave.(208) 437-3833
OnawayP.O. Box 125
Potlatch 83855
(208) 875-1151
OreanaContact the Owyhee County Clerk
OrofinoP.O. Box 312
217 1st Street
(208) 476-4725
OsburnP.O. Box 865
921 E. Mullan Ave.
(208) 752-0001
OvidContact Bear Lake County Clerk
Oxford5935 W. Oxford Creek Rd.(208) 747-3564
ParisP.O. Box 364(208) 945-2253
Parker200 N. Pine(208) 624-7322
ParmaP.O. Box 608
305 N. 3rd St.
(208) 722-5138
PaulP.O. Box 130
152 S. 600 W.
(208) 438-4101
Payette700 Center Avenue(208) 642-6024
PeckP.O. Box 105
120 W. Howard St.
(208) 486-7791
PicaboContact the Blaine County Clerk
PierceP.O. Box 356
404 S. Main Street
(208) 464-2222
PineContact the Elmore County Clerk
PinehurstP.O. Box 417
106 N. Division St.
(208) 682-3721
PioneervilleContact the Boise County clerk
Placerville110 E. Granite Street(208) 392-6044
PlummerP.O. Box B
880 C Street
(208) 686-1641
Pocatello911 N 7th Ave.
P.O. Box 4169
(208) 234-6217
PollockContact the Riggins City Clerk
PonderayP.O. Box 500
288 4th Street
(208) 265-5468
PorthillContact the Boundary County Clerk
Post Falls408 N. Spokane St.(208) 773-3511
PotlatchP.O. Box 525
195 6th Street
(208) 875-0708
PowellContact the Idaho County Clerk
Preston70 W. Oneida(208) 852-1817
Priest LakeContact the Bonner County Clerk
Priest RiverP.O. Box 415
552 High St.
(208) 448-2123
Rathdrum8047 W. Main Street(208) 687-0261
ext. 8250
Reubens344 Main St.(208) 924-7402
Rexburg35 N. 1st East
P.O. Box 280
(208) 359-3020
Richfield180 W. Lincoln Ave.
P.O. Box 97
(208) 487-2755
RiddleContact the Owyhee County Clerk
Rigby158 W. Fremont Ave.(208) 745-8111
RigginsP.O. Box 249
126 N. Main Street
(208) 628-3394
RirieP.O. Box 68
464 Main Street
(208) 538-5548
RobertsP.O. Box 242
647 2872 East Street
(208) 228-3220
RocklandP.O. Box 113(208) 548-2489
Rupert624 F Street
P.O. Box 426
(208) 436-9600
SagleContact the Bonner County Clerk
Salmon200 Main Street(208) 756-3214
Sandpoint1123 Lake Street(208) 263-3310
Shelley101 S. Emerson Ave.(208) 357-3390
ShoshoneP.O. Box 208
207 S. Rail St. W.
(208) 886-2030
Silver CityContact the Owyhee County Clerk
SmeltervilleP.O. Box 200
501 Main St.
(208) 786-3351
Soda Springs9 West 2nd South208-547-2600
Spencer1445 County 91 N.(208) 374-5359
Spirit LakeP.O. Box 309
6042 W. Maine Street
(208) 623-2131
St. Anthony420 N. Bridge St., Ste. A(208) 624-3494
St. CharlesP.O. Box 58
25 N. Main Street
(208) 945-9636
St. Maries602 College Avenue(208) 245-2577
StanleyP.O. Box 53
Highway 21
(208) 774-2286
Star10769 W. State St.
P.O. Box 130
(208) 286-7247
Stateline VillageP.O. Box 340
6891 W. Seltice Way, Post Falls, ID
(208) 773-8779
StitesP.O. Box 300(208) 926-7121
Sugar CityP.O. Box 56
10 E. Center Street
(208) 356-7561
Sun ValleyP.O. Box 416
81 Elkhorn Road
(208) 622-4438
Swan ValleyP.O. Box 105(208) 680-3116
TensedP.O. Box 126(208) 274-3239
TetonP.O. Box 266
20 N. Center St.
(208) 458-4537
TetoniaP.O. Box 57
3192 Perry Avenue
(208) 456-2249
TroyP.O. Box 595
519 S. Main St.
(208) 835-2741
Twin Falls203 Main Avenue E.
P.O. Box 1907
(208) 735-7245
UconP.O. Box 98(208) 523-3971
VictorP.O. Box 122
138 N. Main Street
(208) 274-7082
ViolaContact the Latah County Clerk
Wallace703 Cedar Street(208) 752-1147
Wardner649 Main St.
P.O. Box 719
(208) 786-0118
Warm LakeContact the Valley County Clerk
Warm RiverP.O. Box 749
(208) 652-3482
WeippeP.O. Box 146
623 N. Main St.
(208) 435-4216
Weiser55 W. Idaho Street(208) 414-1965
WendellP.O. Box 208
375 1st Ave. E.
(208) 536-5161
Weston15 E. Depot Street(208) 747-3512
WhitebirdP.O. Box 94
212 River Street
(208) 839-2294
WilderP.O. Box 687
107 4th St.
(208) 482-6204
Winchester501 Nez Perce
P.O. Box 245
(208) 924-5358
WorleyP.O. Box 219
9936 W. E St.
(208) 686-1258
Yellow PineP.O. Box 10
(Village Alliance)
(208) 633-3300
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